
2011 OpenID Security Summit

Page history last edited by John Ehrig 13 years, 9 months ago

OpenID Summit "Balancing Security and the User Experience" on May 2, 2011

The OpenID Foundation's 2011 series of OpenID Summits focuses on use cases and topics of interest to developers, executives and analysts in the identity industry. The Balancing Security and the User Experience summit took place on May 2nd exploring security and the user experience in open identity technologies.

Lunch & Introductions – Led by Don Thibeau Executive Director OpenID Foundation, Eric Sachs, Google and Nico Popp, Symantec Host

Session One Panel Discussion: "Whither Secure Identity?"
Nico Popp of Symantec will moderate a CTO roundtable discussion with Paul Agbabian CTO Norton,  Brent Williams CTO Equifax, Tim Brown SVP Distinguished Engineer CA Technologies.  Identity management has gone through a number of transitions and continues to evolve.  Access to identity data is a component to any information security program. Multi factor Identity authentication, in particular, is a moving target as relying parties and identity providers need to comply with industry and federal regulations, as well as new identity standards and technology initiatives. In this panel discussion, you'll hear about the changing authentication including knowledge-based, device-based, and out-of-band authentication options.

Session Two Presentation: "What's Up with OpenID?"
Mike Jones of Microsoft and OpenID Foundation AB/Connect Working Group Co-chairs will update the collaboration of Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others on the next stage of evolution of the OpenID protocol.  Mike will be joined by the working group co chairs John Bradley and Nat Sakimura and will take questions from the audience on the OpenID, OAuth 2 and other open identity protocols and standards.

Session Three Panel Discussion:  "The Latest in IdP and RP Best Practices"
Eric Sachs of Google will moderate a roundtable with Andy Wu of Yahoo!, Dave Hebert Microsoft, George Fletcher Aol, and others on identity provider and relying party best practices in online identity authentication. Web 2.0 applications are one of the most rapidly adopted technologies today and are now considered critical tools by most organizations. These sites provide valuable communication and collaboration benefits, but how do businesses enable access without impacting productivity, risking data loss or increasing vulnerability to threats?

Session Four Panel Discussion:  "Monetizing Identity Without Traumatizing Customers"
Don Thibeau of the OpenID Foundation will moderate a panel discussion with investment leaders; David Walrod Bridgescale Partners, Enrique Godreau Voyager Capital and identity industry leaders; David Recordon Facebook, Tony Nadalin Microsoft, and Eric Sachs Google.  The goal is to share thoughts on how the identity market place is evolving from investment and technology perspectives. This session will feature investors interviewing technology leaders about investing company money in identity and technology leaders interviewing investors about venture investing in identity companies.

View the Meeting Notes

Listen to the audio recording

Thanks for Google and Symantec for Co Sponsoring this event.

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