
2010 OpenID Summit EU

Page history last edited by John Bradley 14 years, 7 months ago


This OpenID Summit an important outreach opportunity for the foundation and a chance for developers, identity providers and relying parties to exchange information in Europe.  Topics are expected to include:  use cases, issues and problems encountered, solutions proposed, the OpenID v.Next effort, and EU trust profile topics.

The summit will be held on Tuesday, June 8th at the Microsoft Offices at Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria Street, London SW1E 5JL, UK.  This is the same location as the European e-Identity Management Conference, which follows it June 9th and 10th.  The summit and the conference are not affiliated with one another.

This summit builds upon the recent 2010 OpenID User Experience (UX) Summit and the 2010 OpenID Technology Summit West.  For more OpenID events, see the 2010 Calendar of Events. 


Time & Location

9:00-17:00, June 8, 2010

Microsoft Offices at Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria Street, London SW1E 5JL, UK 


9:00-9:15 - Welcome (Tony Nadalin)

9:15-9:45 - OpenID Foundation Update (Don Thibeau)

9:45-10:45 - Issues and Use Case Presentations 1

  • 9:45 - John Bradley  openID Mobile profile (formerly Artifact Binding)
  • 10:15 - Kick Willemse EU Trust Profile Use Cases  

10:45-11:00 - Break

11:00-12:00 - Issues and Use Case Presentations 2

  • 10:45 - Ilan Caron (Google) Google as OpenID Relying Party & Trusted Email Profile for OpenID IDP certification 

12:30-13:30 - Lunch

13:30-14:00 - John Sabo (CA) ISTPA Privacy Management Reference Model, Proposed OASIS TC and Relationship to Identity Management 

14:00-14:30 - Keynote: Kim Cameron 
14:30-15:00 - Andi Hindle (Ping) Mixing Protocols for Fun and Profit

15:00-15:15 - Henrik Biering Why some RP's will only accept a single IDP (e.g. outsourcing security and risk management)

15:15-16:00 -  Break

16:00-16:15 - Robert Ott OpenID in conjunction with Strong Authentication (OTP, YubiKey, Biometrics, iPhone, Certificates, SuisseID)

16:15-17:00 - Mike Jones (MS) Overview of the v.Next plans and results from the previous summit

17:30 - Drinks/Dinner?

Technology Topic Guidelines

We are looking for people to give presentations about the issues the barriers their organization has in deploying OpenID either as an OP or RP. We are also looking for technologists to give presentations on how to resolve the issues identified.

We are not looking for presentations on "Here is how OpenID works", "My thoughts on OpenID", or "Here is what my company has done / will do with OpenID". One of the goals for the presentations should be to inform the v.Next work.

Presentation Format

Talks on issues and use cases will have an enforced 10 minute time limit, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A and getting the next speaker lined up. We have lots of break times for people to discuss the topics in more detail.  Please prepare your presentation ahead of time and take at least 20 minutes to practice running through your presentation a couple times.

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