
2010 OpenID Technology Summit West

Page history last edited by Chris Messina 14 years, 10 months ago


For all of you that wish OpenID had feature X or worked like Y, this is the OpenID Summit for YOU!  This track will be for participants ONLY.

You are either part of the Problem (you don't use OpenID because of X or Y and are willing to present), or you are part of the Solution (you are or will be active in an OpenID Working Group).  This is NOT a track for those that want to learn about OpenID.

We will start off after lunch on Monday, April 5th with short presentations about the Problem, followed by an evening of beer and food and lively discussion. 

Tuesday, April 6th will be a full day (starting at 9am) where we will have technology presentations, open space for ad hoc topics, and then next step discussions for Working Groups.

The 2010 theme for the OpenID Technical Committee is OpenID v Next. Our goal is to pull the community together so that we can understand what we collectively need the technology to do next, and kick off Working Groups to make that happen. This Summit is that start of the process. 

Agenda suggestions? Interested in giving a presentation? Other questions? Shoot an email.


Time & Location

Microsoft Silicon Valley Technology Center

1065 La Avenida Street - Building 1

Mountain View CA 94043


Monday, April 05, 2010 at 11:30am - Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 5:00 PM


This event is part of the 2010 Open Identity Summit West.  There will be several rooms available throughout the summit, enabling both scheduled open space interactions and adequate spaces for informal side conversations.


Day 1 (April 5th)

11:30-1pm - Lunch

1:00-1:15 - Kickoff

1:15-2:15 - Problem Talks A

  • 1:15 - Eric Sachs (Google) - What OpenID needs to do in the future
  • 1:30 - Bill Shupp (Digg) - Lessons learned from Digg's experience accepting OpenID
  • 1:45 - Luke Shepard (Facebook) - Why OpenID doesn't work great for Facebook today
  • 2:00 - Sarah Faulkner (Microsoft) - What Live needs from OpenID

2:45-4:00 - Problem Talks B

  • 2:45 - Sabari Devadoss (Yahoo!) - Concerns/issues on adoption for ecommerce sites 
  • 3:00 - Mike Repass (LinkedIn) - How can OpenID help us trust RPs as they request more data?
  • 3:15 - Hans Granqvist (Netflix) - Why Netflix can't use OpenID
  • 3:30 - Ashish Jain (Paypal) - Overcoming Barriers to PayPal Adoption of OpenID
  • 3:45 - Bharath Kumar (Amazon) - Problems Amazon is facing adopting OpenId 

4:15-5:30 - Problem Talks  C

  • 4:15 - John Bradley (Protiviti) - What's missing for OpenID to be used in higher-security government deployments
  • 4:30 - Chris Szeto (Meebo) -  Problems that Meebo faces with distributing multiple 3rd party identities and services
  • 4:45 - Nat Sakimura (NRI) - Identity Control Rights and OpenID - Japanese Government Requirements (Haraguchi 5 Principles)
  • 5:00 - Lee Hammond (UMG) - Universal Music implementation issues with OpenID
  • 5:15 - 

5:30 - Break

6:00 - Dinner/drinks Private Room at Don Giovani 235 Castro Street, Mountain Room

Day 1 Summary


Eric Sach's Summary, notes on whitelisting

Chris Messina's notes


Day 2 (April 6th)

9:00-9:15 - Kickoff

9:15-10:15 - Solution Talks A (discover like stuff)

  • 9:15 - John Panzer (Google) - Webfinger, Discovery, et al
  • 9:30 - Mike Hanson / Dan Mills (Mozilla) - Machine-readable Description of a Site's Account Management
  • 9:45 - Mike Jones (Microsoft) - Replacing the NASCAR experience with the identities you actually have
  • 10:00 - Pam Dingle (Ping) - Mixing OpenID with other Protocols
  • 10:15 - Brian Ellin (Janrain) - Problems Faced with RPX 

10:30-10:45 - Break

10:45-11:45 - Solution Talks B

  • 10:45 - Breno de Medeiros (Google) - Artifact binding for OpenID
  • 11:00 - Nat Sakimura (NRI) - Contract Exchange for OpenID
  • 11:15 - Nat Sakimura (NIR) - Making OpenId work for Gov of Japan
  • 11:30 - Joseph Smarr (Google) - Making OpenID+OAuth simpler than the sum of their parts
  • 11:45 - Chuck Mortimore ( - OpenID Issues 

noon - Lunch

1:00-2:00 - Open Space/Discussion

  • 1:00 - Mary Rundle (Microsoft) - Policy Considerations
  • 1:15 - Sarah Faulkner (Microsoft) - email as identifier
  • 1:30 - Allen Tom (Yahoo) - Yahoo as RP
  • 1:45 - John Bradley (Protiviti) - Getting higher LoA in OpenID 

2:00-2:30 - break 

2:30-3:30 - Open Space/Discussion (topic tbd) 

  • 2:30 - Joseph Smarr (Google) - OpenID and OAuth
  • 2:45 - Eric Sachs (Google) - IdP, RP Certification
  • 3:00 - George Fletcher (AOL) - Single Sign Out
  • 3:15 - Mike Jones (Microsoft) - non-browser apps and OpenID 

3:30-4:30 - New working group organization (select chair and scope)

  •  Discovery
    • Chair: Allen Tom / Mike Jones
    • Scope: URL, acct:, active client (discovery about OP and RP)
  •  Attribute Schema
    • Chair: Joseph Smarr
    • Scope: How to ask for and get rich, consistent common extensible data attributes (attribute discovery)
  •  UX Guidelines
    • Chair: Chris Messina
    • Scope: Guidelines for how OPs and RPs provide a consistent user experience
  •  Policy & Certification
    • Chair: Eric Sachs
    • Scope: Define scope
  •  Core Protocol
    • Chair: Dick Hardt
    • Scope: active client, message verification, AX/CX, OAuth, non-browser

* Mike Jones is willing to consult with any WG chair to help them get the WG started and approved.

4:30- 5:30 - breakout

5:30 - Drinks nearby


Google & Microsoft

Technology Topic Guidelines

We are looking for people to give presentations about the issues the barriers their organization has in deploying OpenID either as an OP or RP. We are also looking for technologists to give presentations on how to resolve the issues identified.

We are not looking for presentations on "Here is how OpenID works", "My thoughts on OpenID", or "Here is what my company has done / will do with OpenID". These are all important presentations, but this is not the right venue.

Presentation Format

Each talk will have an enforced 10 minute time limit, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A and getting the next speaker lined up. We have lots of break times for people to discuss the topics in more detail. We also will reserve a number of open slots that can be used for followup talks Tuesday afternoon.

Please prepare your presentation ahead of time and take at least 20 minutes to practice running through your presentation a couple times. If you do the work creating an presentation that effectively communicates your message, you are more likely to get people to solve your problem or adopt your solution. As an added incentive, we will also have a prize for the best presentation.

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