
Working Groups

Page history last edited by John Ehrig 12 years, 4 months ago

The vast majority of OIDF's work is done in Working Groups.  A working group is focused on a specific problem, technology, or opportunity for which the members will deliver a document or series of documents, after which they may disband or create a revised charter for further work. The completion of a working group charter and subsequent disbanding of the group are viewed as a sign of success. The typical lifespan of a working group ranges from 4 to 24 months.

You do not need to be a member of the Foundation to participate in a working group but you must agree to the IPR Policy by executing a Contribution Agreement. This allows anyone to participate in technology development while ensuring that the specifications remain freely implementable by anyone. 

To "join" a Working Group, you need to execute the IPR contribution agreement and subscribe to the groups' mailing list (see below). The mailing list provides a forum for those who wish to follow, or contribute to, the Groups' efforts.

Subscriptions to OIDF mailing lists are handled by a program called "mailman". Mailman uses a "-request" address that handles the administrative details of joining and leaving the list. Enter the word 'subscribe' (without the quotes) in the Subject line of the message and in the message body.  If you decide to withdraw from the list, use the word 'unsubscribe'. Similarly, when changing email addresses or leaving a list, send your request only to the "-request" address, not to the main list.  If you would like to know more about mailman please refer to

Each working group has one or more editors and a charter that the group is supposed to follow. The charter states the scope of discussion for the working group, as well as its goals and milestones. The working group's mailing list and meetings should focus on its charter and not to wander off topic.

Additional information is available in the OIDF Process Document

Specs council's mail address is: 

Forming a Working Group

Any group of at 5 contributors may form a WG by submitting a proposal via the mailing list; such proposal will include a Charter and Background Information.

Additional information is available in the OIDF Process Document

Current Working Groups

Proposed Working Groups

Membership Vote (7 days) 

  • None

Notice Period (14 days)

  • None.

Under Spec Council Review (max. 15 days) 

  • None.

Draft Charter Circulation   

Under Discussion

  • None

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