
Adoption Committee

Page history last edited by Daniel Jacobson 14 years, 12 months ago

Adoption Committee Charter: Drive deployment, adoption and usage of OpenID by web service providers and end users largely by working with relying parties to "bring the voice of the customer" while looking at branding, usability, and delivered value.  If appropriate this Committee may choose to form subcommittees to focus on specific aspects of adoption.  We have already decided to form an Online Retailer Subcommittee as noted below.  Other possible subcommittees include User Experience, Marketing, or others as determined by this Committee.

  • Chair: Daniel Jacobson
  • Vice-Chair: Marc Frons
  • Online Retailer Subcommittee Chair: Rob Harles
  • Members: Brian Kissel, Raj Mata, Björn Woltermann, Jonathan Coffman, Joseph Smarr, Brian Ellin, Daniel Jacobson, Marc Frons, Rob Harles, Chris Messina

We have set up a email list for us to share ideas.  Only the members of this committee are on this private list.  The list is

Objectives and Measures of Success

Let's list our goals for the year and how we'll measure our success.  Some ideas to prime the pump:
  • XX new major RP deployments for the year - brand name websites like Sears, Universal Music Group, Fox News, PBS, NPR, BBC, NY Times, Expedia, Craigslist, Honda, Sony, etc.
  • YYY new long tail websites as RPs.  Google cites 9 million Google Friend Connect sites, let's see if we can triple that number across all OpenID enabled websites by the end of the year
  • Clear value propositions for RPs and end users well documented in white papers and case studies
  • What more do we need from OPs to acheive these goals - let's list some of those goals.  Eric Sachs talks about getting Microsoft and Facebook as OpenID OPs, AOL to upgrade to OpenID 2.0, PayPal to launch its commercial service, etc.  
  • Beyond more OPs, do we need these OPs to enhance their services in any way, and if so what
  • Beyond more OPs, do we need more third party services like multi-factor authentication, attribute verification, security or privacy enhancements, etc.  Let's list them and if they cross over into other Committee responsibilities, let's let them know.



Vision Statements for Adoption Committee for 2010

From Daniel Jacobson

The mission of OpenID is to become the definitive international open standard for identity sharing.  This is a very powerful and lofty aspiration, but one that should continue to be the focus of OpenID.  That said, the current state of OpenID is that it is a technology (with a community that is helping to nurture that technology), and to some extent, the implementation and adoption of that technology.  The current state, in other words, is not well-positioned to achieve the mission.

Although the approach of OpenID to date has been incredibly valuable to get us to where we are today, to lift us to the next level, OpenID must switch from a technology-focused endeavor to a product-based one.  I have heard several people suggest that the best way to increase adoption is by creating better awareness around OpenID amongst potential RP’s who can then reach the general public.  As a lead technologist for a major media organization, I can say that awareness is not the problem!  Rather, it is not clear that the implementation is easy, that the user experience is strong enough to increase registration conversions, and that the value proposition is worth it.  If OpenID were a mature product that can be dropped into the system easily, reliably and effectively, it would have been on a long time ago.

To convert OpenID into a product-focused endeavor, we need to do the following:

  1. Examine its various target audiences, determine the needs of those users, and develop road maps to achieve those goals.
  2. Focus on usability of the end-user interactions.  Conduct more surveys of the landscape and incorporate new best practices into the OpenID product suite.  This should include researching ways to better enable the appropriate level of human authorization by the OpenID user while allowing the back-end interaction between the OP and RP to handle the rest (ie. the less the user needs to do, the better!).
  3. Facilitate the creation of a suite of tools and libraries that makes RP adoption fast and easy for all involved.  These tools will likely include improved “user experience kits” and back-end libraries to support these kits on a range of platforms.
  4. Extend the technology to be truly platform-agnostic.  In other words, OpenID authorization should not require a web browser.
  5. Build and nurture an accessible community space around these tools and libraries to further its growth and development.  Make it easy for the open community, OPs and RPs to consume and contribute to this space.  Build into it a validation process that allows the community (and perhaps an OIDF committee?) to determine which libraries meet specific standards for OpenID.
  6. Generate a strategy around promotion and public relations for OpenID to represent all of these changes.
  7. Modify our public-facing areas, such as the web site, to represent all of these changes. 
  8. Eventually, create a branding strategy that could result in developing a series of brands for OpenID.  Using these brands, public-facing promotion should be similarly targeted.  This could include also result in multiple sites for the multiple brands, each of which should be built to target and satisfy the goals of their constituent audiences.


From Jonathan Coffman

Daniel  - I think what you’ve outlined below is a fantastic starting point. It’s an ambitious plan but I think it’s something that can be accomplished in the next year.

As a product guy, I think it would also be wise to do a quick survey of the landscape and competition if you will — we all know that Facebook Connect has achieved a lot of what I (and others) hope OID will eventually bring, simplicity in adoption — but we need to take a hard look at why and how that is and how FB and others’ closed models can be opened up and improved upon in a federated manner.

As someone who is pushing hard to drive adoption within the public media ecosystem right now, there is a definite lack of success stories from across different sectors — including shared data on user behavior, uptick, and abandonment rate of current implementations.

If we could get the leaders of the space, many of whom are on this list, to contribute what they can back to the community we’ll be in a much better position to truly show business value. This is of course above and beyond the work of packaging OID up as a suite of technical and user-facing products.


Budget Distribution for 2010

This allocation assumes that the Adoption Committee will have a budget of $50,000 for 2010.  Accordingly, there are six key areas that we would like to focus on, as follows:

  1. Market research with RPs & developing case studies (25% = $12,500)
  2. Infrastructure to support community coding/future lib updates.  Develop tutorials and deployment guides (25% = $12,500)
  3. Library updates to create deployment “kits” (20% = $10,000)
  4. Update website (10% = $5,000)
  5. Market research for multi-platform support (10% = $7,500)
  6. Presenting at conferences, seminars, etc (we might also consider the webinar model) (10% = $2,500)



See more Adoption Committee Ideas

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